April 16, 2022

Top 20 AWS Simple Storage Service (S3) Interview Questions and Answers


Ques. 1): What is Amazon S3?


Amazon S3 is a storage service that offers the best scalability in the industry. We can utilise S3 to store and retrieve a specific quantity at any time and from any location on the internet.

We can store a limitless quantity of data and objects, with items ranging in size from 0 bytes to 5 terabytes. We can carry out duties related to the AWS administration console, which is a simple and automated web interface. Amazon S3 is a web-based service that is meant for online backup and preservation of data and application programmes. It is scalable, high-speed, and low-cost.

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Ques. 2): When it comes to storage, what's the difference between object and block storage?


Data on a raw physical storage device is separated into individual blocks and managed by a file system with block-level storage. The file system is in charge of allocating space for files and data kept on the underlying device, as well as giving access anytime the operating system needs to read data.

A flat surface for data storage is provided by an object storage system like S3. This straightforward approach eliminates some of block storage's OS-related difficulties and allows anyone to access any amount of storage capacity with ease.

When you upload files to S3, you can include up to 2 KB of metadata. The metadata is made up of keys that establish system details like data permissions and the appearance of a file system location within nested buckets.

Mostly Asked AWS Cloud Practitioner Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 3): What is Amazon Web Services (AWS) Backup?


  • We can store backups on the AWS Cloud using the AWS Backup service.
  • It merely serves as a conduit or proxy for storing backups in the cloud.
  • AWS Backup can backup a variety of AWS products, including EBS volumes (used by EC2 instances or virtual machines).
  • RDS databases, DynamoDB, and even Amazon Elastic File System, or EFS, may all be backed up.
  • To do so, you'll need to construct a backup plan that includes scheduling, retention, and the ability to tag the recovery points that are saved as backups.
  • AWS Backup has a scheduling feature that is related to the recovery point goal. The RPO, or recovery point objective, is a disaster recovery phrase that expresses the greatest amount of data loss that may be tolerated in terms of time. Within the backup plan, we have backup retention rules and lifecycle rules for changing the storage class of items that are backed up.
  • To store the recovery points, we'll need a backup vault.
  • We can either pick objects based on their AWS resource ID or specify AWS Resources to be assigned to backup plans.
  • Using the consolidated AWS backup console, we can keep track of backup operations.
  • We can also perform backups on demand. We don't have to wait for the schedule, and we can restore data from backups taken before.

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Ques. 4): What is S3 Versioning?


Versioning is a feature that S3 buckets support. Versioning is turned on for the bucket as a whole. Versioning allows you to track the numerous changes made to a file over time. When versioning is enabled, each file receives a unique Version ID each time it is uploaded. Consider the following scenario: a bucket contains a file, and a user uploads a fresh updated copy of the same file to the bucket; both files have their own Version ID and timestamps from when they were uploaded. So, if one has to go back in time to an earlier version of a file, versioning makes it simple. Please keep in mind that versioning can be costly in a variety of situations.

Also, while S3's versioning may appear to be similar to Version Control System (VCS), it is not. Please utilise Git, SVN, or any similar software if your developers require a VCS solution.

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Ques. 5): What is resource-based bucket policy, and how does it work?


•        We may use a conditional statement to verify that complete control permissions are granted to a specific account defined by an ID, and we can use a resource-based bucket policy to allow another AWS account to upload objects to another bucket.

•        We can't use a resource-based ACL with IAM policy since conditional statements aren't supported in this configuration.

AWS Cloud Support Engineer Interview Question and Answers

Ques. 6): What are the prerequisites for using AWS SDK S3 with a Spring Boot app?


We'll need a few things to use the AWS SDK:

1.      AWS Account: We'll need an account with Amazon Web Services. If you don't already have one, go ahead and create one.

2.      AWS Security Credentials: These are the access keys that enable us to call AWS API actions programmatically. We can obtain these credentials in one of two ways: using AWS root account credentials from the Security Credentials page's access keys section, or using IAM user credentials from the IAM console. Refer How to generate access key and secret key to access Amazon S3

3.      AWS Region to store S3 object: We must choose an AWS region (or regions) to store our Amazon S3 data. Remember that the cost of S3 storage varies by region. Visit the official documents for more information.

4.      AWS S3 Bucket: We will need S3 Bucket to store the objects/files.

AWS Solution Architect Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 7): What Scripting Options Are Available When Mounting a File System to Amazon S3?


There are a number different ways to set up Amazon S3 as a local drive on Linux-based systems, including installations with Amazon S3 mounted EC2.

1. S3FS-FUSE: This is a basic utility and a free, open-source FUSE plugin that supports major Linux and MacOS systems. S3FS is also in charge of caching files locally in order to improve performance. The Amazon S3 bucket will appear as a disc on your PC thanks to this plugin.

2. ObjectiveFS: The Amazon S3 and Google Cloud Storage backends are supported by ObjectiveFS, a commercial FUSE plugin. It claims to provide a full POSIX-compliant file system interface, avoiding the need for appends to rewrite entire files. It also has the same level of efficiency as a local drive.

3. RioFS: RioFS is a little tool created in the C programming language. RioFS is similar to S3FS, but it has a few limitations: it does not allow adding to files, it does not fully support POSIX-compliant file system interfaces, and it cannot rename files.

AWS DevOps Cloud Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 8): What is Amazon S3 Replication, and how does it work?


AWS S3 Replication facilitates asynchronous object copying between AWS S3 buckets.

It is an elastic, low-cost, and fully managed feature that aids in duplicating items in buckets, as well as providing flexibility and functionality in cloud storage while providing us with the controls we require to meet our data sovereignty and other business demands.

AWS(Amazon Web Services) Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 9): What Are The AWS S3 Storage Classes?


Some of the storage classes offered in S3 are as follows:

  • S3 Storage Class (Standard): The S3 standard class is used as a default storage class if no other storage classes are provided during the upload.
  • S3 (Standard Storage Class for Infrequent Access): S3 (Standard Storage Class for Infrequent We can utilise the standard storage class for infrequent access when we need to access data less frequently but quickly and without delay.
  • S3 Storage Class with Reduced Redundancy: In the case of lesser degrees of redundancy, this storage class performs better in replicating data. For this purpose, it's a great alternative to S3 standard storage.
  • S3 Glacier Storage Class: S3 glacier storage is designed for low-cost data archiving and backup.

AWS Database Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 10): What is CloudFront in Amazon S3?


CloudFront is a Content Distribution Network that pulls data from an Amazon S3 bucket and distributes it across many datacenters.

It also sends data through a network of edge sites, which are routed when a user requests data, resulting in minimal latency and low network traffic, as well as quick access to data.

ActiveMQ Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 11): Using the GUI, how will you upload files to S3?


•        S3 buckets are cloud storage solutions in AWS.

•        Go to the S3 Management Console and log in. It includes a bucket list.

•        If the bucket is empty, we can use a storage device to arrange files.

•        Make a folder system. There is a four-column table on the screen. Name, Last modified, Size, and Storage class are the column headers.

•        For encryption, use the bucket settings, leave the defaults, and click Save.

•        As a result, we established a folder in our S3 bucket.

•        Within the Overview tab, we may create a subordinate folder.

•        Using the Upload dialogue and Select files, we can upload files.

•        We can upload files by dragging and dropping them from other parts of our screen to this spot, or we can select Add files, which I will do.

•        When you've chosen some files, you'll see the total number of files and their sizes at the top, which might help you estimate how long it will take to upload them depending on your Internet connection speed.

•        We can see the Target path, which is where it will be uploaded to our bucket's Projects folder.

•        We may just click Add more files if we forgot to add files.

•        If we don't want to upload something, we can click the x to remove it.

•        If both Read and Write permissions are granted. Other AWS accounts with rights to these uploaded objects can be added.

•        We can modify the encryption by selecting a file and going to the Actions menu and selecting Change encryption.


Ques. 12): Can you explain the S3 Block Public Access feature?


•     New buckets, access points, and objects do not allow public access by default. To provide public access, users can change bucket policies, access point policies, or object permissions.

•     We get a list of buckets in the S3 Management Console.

•     For instance, select an existing bucket.

•     Go to the Permissions tab.

•     Overview, Properties, Permissions, and Management are the four tabs on the page. The Overview tab is now active. We have a number of alternatives when we click to the Permissions tab. Block public access, Access Control List, Bucket Policy, and CORS configuration are the four choices available.

•     Select Block public access from the drop-down menu. Select Access Control List from the drop-down menu. Select the Bucket Policy option from the drop-down menu. Block all public access by clicking Edit. That option will be saved.

•     We can restrict public access to buckets and objects granted by any access control list, as well as buckets and objects granted by new public bucket policies.



Ques. 13): What is S3 Bucket Encryption, and how does it work?


•        Encryption ensures data security, and you may set default encryption on an S3 bucket, ensuring that all things uploaded to S3 are encrypted.

•        We may also choose individual items within a bucket to see if they are encrypted separately.

•        Open the bucket settings in the S3 Management Console by clicking on it.

•        The corresponding page opens when you click the bucket.

•        Overview, Properties, Permissions, and Management are the four tabs on the page.

•        The Overview tab is now active. It has the following options: Upload, Create folder, Download, and Actions.

•        Select the Properties tab from the drop-down menu.

•        Encryption is disabled by default.

•        Select that panel by clicking on it. It is currently set to None.

•        With Amazon Managed keys, we may use AES-256, Advanced Encryption Standard 256 bits server-side encryption. I can also utilise Key Management Service, or AWS-KMS managed keys, which allows me to select the encryption keys.


Ques. 14): What is S3 Lifecycle Management, and how are you going to construct a Rule?


•        An S3 Lifecycle configuration is a set of rules that specify how Amazon S3 handles a collection of objects.

•        We may determine about S3 items over time using lifecycle management settings. For example, 30 days after generating an item, you might choose to transition it to the S3 Standard-IA storage class, or one year later, archive it to the S3 Glacier storage class.

•        Make a Rule:

•        When we open the S3 Management Console, we can see that S3 is divided into three portions. The toolbar is the first part. The navigation pane is the second part. In the navigation pane, the Buckets option is selected. A content pane is the third component.

•        Any S3 bucket pane can be opened. Overview, Properties, Permissions, and Management are among the tabs.

•        For the bucket's contents, we can actually establish lifecycle management settings. When a user selects the Management tab, Lifecycle appears as an option. If a user clicks on the bucket, for example, the associated page opens. He chooses the Management option. Lifecycle, Replication, Analytics, Metrics, and Inventory are among the tabs.

•        Navigate to the Lifecycle tab. It has the Add lifecycle rule, Edit, Delete, and Actions buttons. The user selects Add lifecycle rule from the drop-down menu. The dialogue box for the Lifecycle rule appears. A page named "Name and Scope" is now available.

•        Add a lifecycle Rule1.

•        Within an S3 bucket, users can activate versioning. We can choose whether this lifecycle rule applies to the current or earlier version of files or objects. Select the most recent option. Then select Add Transition from the drop-down menu.

•        There is a drop-down list box labelled Object creation, as well as a text box labelled Days after creation.

•        The Transition to Standard-IA after, Transition to Intelligent-Tiering after, Transition to One Zone-IA after, and Transition to Glacier after options are available in the Object creation drop-down list box.

•        Select Glacier if the user requires things to be archived. They are not to be removed or deleted, according to the user. So, we may say that the object was generated after one year, 365 days, and it was automatically archived to Glacier.

•        Now, Glacier is a cheaper storage mechanism over the long term.

•        Click on next and save finally to create Rule 1.


Ques. 15): How Do I Control Who Has Access To An S3 Bucket?


Some of the most frequent methods for controlling access to an S3 bucket are as follows:

Access Points for S3: Each application has its own set of S3 access points, which we may utilise to manage S3 dataset access.

S3 Bucket Policies: We can set up access policies to control who has access to S3 resources. Permissions that only apply to objects within a bucket can also be configured at the bucket level.

Access Control List (ACL): We can use ACL to manage access to S3 resources and objects within a bucket.

IAM: To govern access to S3 resources, we can utilise AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Groups, Roles, and Users.


Ques. 16): What is an object URL, and how does one create one?


 In AWS parlance, any file uploaded to S3 is referred to as a 'object.' A unique url is assigned to each object stored in an S3 bucket. This url is simply the object's address, and it can be used to access the object over the internet if it is public. The object url is made up of 'https://' and the bucket name, followed by's3-' region API name, '.amazonaws.com/', the file name with extension, and finally '?versionId=' the Version ID. As an example, consider the following.


Please note, if this bucket would had been in Virginia region, the url wont consist the region API name in it and would appear as follows:



Ques. 17): What Is AWS S3's Object Lock Feature?


AWS S3's object lock functionality allows users to save data in WORM (write-once, read-many) format.

For a limited time or indefinitely, the user can prevent the data from being erased or rewritten in this way. Organizations use the AWS S3 object lock capability to comply with WORM storage regulatory requirements.


Ques. 18): What Are the Retention Methods for Object Locks?


The two main object retention choices are as follows:

Retention Time: A user can provide a retention period (days, months, or years) for their object in the S3 bucket using this technique. No one can overwrite or remove the protected object during this time.

Legal Restrictions: The duration of an object lock is not specified in this function. Unless a user deactivates it directly, it remains active.


Ques. 19):  How would you upgrade or downgrade a system with Near-Zero downtime?


The following steps can help us upgrade or downgrade a system having near-zero downtime:

Step 1: Enter the EC2 console

Step 2: Navigate to the AMI operating system

Step 3: Use the recent instance type to open an instance

Step 4: Install updates and applications

Step 5: Check the instance if it’s working or not

Step 6: If the instance is working, cover up the old instance with the new one by expanding it

Step 7: After the instance is extended, we can upgrade or downgrade a system with near-zero downtime.


Ques. 20): In S3, what is Static Website Hosting?


A static website is a document that is kept in an AWS S3 bucket and is written in HTML, CSS, or Javascript. This website can be hosted on an S3 bucket that serves as a web server. Other AWS options for hosting dynamic websites are available.

Uploading an html page to an AWS S3 bucket is required to host a static website. The 'Static Website Hosting' option is easily found in the bucket properties. Select the Enable option and specify the index file that was uploaded to S3. To keep things simple, the index document should be uploaded to the root of the S3 bucket.




Mostly Asked AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials Questions and Answers

        With its advanced services and technology, Amazon Web Services (AWS) is rapidly growing in the world of cloud computing. Furthermore, it has become one of the most profitable and fastest-growing tech companies in the world in recent years. As a result of this expansion, the demand for professionals as well as those just starting out in the cloud has skyrocketed. Keeping this in mind, AWS offers a variety of certificates, the most popular of which is the Cloud Practitioners certification. To put it another way, this certification is the key to getting into the Amazon Web Services world and having a secure future. Passing this exam can provide you with a plethora of new work prospects.
However, one thing that can be challenging is the interview procedure for a decent job in a top company. Many people pass the exam but are rejected during the interview phase. So, in this blog, we'll discuss the top AWS Cloud Practitioner exam interview questions that will assist you during the recruiting process.

Ques. 1): The Customer is responsible for the infrastructure-related security configurations for which of the following AWS resources?
A. Amazon RDS
B. Amazon DynamoDB
C. Amazon EC2
D. AWS Fargate
Correct Answer – C
Customers are responsible for the security and management of guest operating systems on Amazon EC2, which is an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).

Ques. 2): When preparing frequent reports for high-level management, a business analyst would like to move away from complex database queries and static spreadsheets. They want to publish reports that are both informative and visually appealing, as well as interactive dashboards. What service will they be able to employ to accomplish this?

A. Amazon QuickSight
B. Business intelligence on Amazon Redshift
C. Amazon CloudWatch dashboards
D. Amazon Athena integrated with Amazon Glue
Correct Answer – A


In this case, Amazon QuickSight is the most appropriate service. It's a 
fully managed solution that enables in-depth business intelligence reporting using innovative data distribution methods like graphical and interactive dashboards. QuickSight integrates machine learning, which enables customers to spot hidden trends and patterns in their datasets.

Ques. 3): What best describes the “Principle of Least Privilege”? Choose the correct answer from the options given below.

A. All users should have the same baseline permissions granted to them to use basic AWS services.
B. Users should be granted permission to access only resources they need to do their assigned job.
C. Users should submit all access requests in written form so that there is a paper trail of who needs access to different AWS resources.
D. Users should always have a little more permission than they need.
Correct Answer – B


Giving a user account only the privileges necessary to execute its intended role is the principle. A user account created just for the purpose of creating backups, for example, does not require the programme to be installed. As a result, it can only run backup and backup-related software.

Ques. 4): Which of the following is the responsibility of the customer to ensure the availability and backup of the EBS volumes?

A. Delete the data and create a new EBS volume.
B. Create EBS snapshots.
C. Attach new volumes to EC2 Instances.
D. Create copies of EBS Volumes.
Correct Answer – B


Snapshots are incremental backups, which implies that they only preserve the blocks on the device that have changed since the last snapshot.
When you generate an EBS volume from a snapshot, the new volume starts off as an exact clone of the snapshot's original volume. The mirrored volume loads data in the background, allowing you to use it right away.

Ques. 5): Your design team is planning to design an application that will be hosted on the AWS Cloud. One of their main non-functional requirements is given below:
Reduce inter-dependencies so failures do not impact other components.
Which of the following concepts does this requirement relate to?

A. Integration
B. Decoupling
C. Aggregation
D. Segregation
Correct Answer – B


The notion of decoupling components assures that distinct application components can be controlled and maintained independently. If all of the components are tightly connected, if one fails, the entire application will fail. As a result, decoupling application components is always a good idea.

Ques. 6): Which of the following AWS services can be used to retrieve configuration changes made to AWS resources causing operational issues?

A. Amazon Inspector
B. AWS CloudFormation
C. AWS Trusted Advisor
D. AWS Config
Correct Answer – D


AWS Config may be used to audit and analyse AWS resource setups. AWS config can be used to obtain configurational changes made to AWS resources that may have caused these issues if there are any operational concerns.

Ques. 7): Which of the following features of Amazon RDS allows for better availability of databases? Choose the answer from the options given below.

A. VPC Peering
B. Multi-AZ
C. Read Replicas
D. Data encryption
Correct Answer – B


The following is mentioned in the AWS documentation.
Consider deploying your database instance as a Multi-AZ deployment if you want to employ replication to boost database availability while also safeguarding your most recent database updates from unanticipated outages.

Ques. 8): According to AWS, what is the benefit of Elasticity?

A. Minimize storage requirements by reducing logging and auditing activities
B. Create systems that scale to the required capacity based on changes in demand
C. Enable AWS to automatically select the most cost-effective services.
D. Accelerate the design process because recovery from failure is automated, reducing the need for testing
Correct Answer – B


The concept of elasticity refers to an application's capacity to scale up and down in response to demand. The Autoscaling service is an example of such a service.

Ques. 9): Which tool can you use to forecast your AWS spending?

A. AWS Organizations
B. Amazon Dev Pay
C. AWS Trusted Advisor
D. AWS Cost Explorer
Correct Answer – D


The following is mentioned in the AWS documentation.
You can view your costs with Cost Explorer, which is a free programme. You can see data from the previous 12 months. You may estimate how much you'll spend in the coming year and obtain recommendations for which Reserved Instances to buy. Cost Explorer will help you detect patterns in how much you spend on AWS resources over time, highlight areas that need more investigation, and spot trends that can help you understand your expenses. You may also specify data time ranges and examine time data by day or month.

Ques. 10): The application servers of a manufacturing company were recently moved to an Amazon EC2 instance. The IT Manager is searching for information about impending scheduled maintenance activities that AWS will be executing on AWS resources, which may have an impact on the services provided by these EC2 instances.
Which of the following services can alert you about the changes that can affect resources in your account?

A. AWS Organizations
B. AWS Personal Health Dashboard
C. AWS Trusted Advisor
D. AWS Service Health Dashboard
Correct Answer – B


The AWS Personal Health Dashboard sends out notifications about the availability and performance of AWS services, which may have an impact on resources deployed in your account. Scheduled maintenance actions that may impact services on these AWS resources are notified to customers via email and smartphone alerts.

Ques. 11): In the shared responsibility model for infrastructure services, such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, which of the below two are customers responsibility?

A. Network infrastructure
B. Amazon Machine Images (AMIs)
C. Virtualization infrastructure
D. Physical security of hardware
E. Policies and configuration
Correct Answer - B, E


AWS is largely responsible for "Cloud Security" in the shared responsibility paradigm. "Cloud Security" is the responsibility of the customer. In this case, the AWS product referenced is IAAS (Amazon EC2), and AWS is in charge of security.

Ques. 12): Compute saving plans and EC2 Instance Savings plans are two AWS savings plans that allow users to save money and have greater flexibility.
Which of the below statement is FALSE regarding Saving Plans?

A. Capacity Reservations are not provided with Saving Plans.
B. Savings Plans are available for all the regions.
C. Savings plans will apply on ‘On-Demand Capacity Reservations’ that customers can allocate for their needs.
D. The prices for Savings Plans do not change based on the amount of hourly commitment.
Correct Answer - B

Ques. 13): How would a system administrator add an additional layer of login security to a user's AWS
Management Console?

A) Use Amazon Cloud Directory
B) Audit AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles
C) Enable multi-factor authentication
D) Enable AWS CloudTrail
Correct Answer - C


Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a straightforward best practise that provides an additional layer of security to a username and password. While MFA is enabled, a user will be requested for both their username and password (the first factor—what they know) and an authentication code from their MFA device (the second factor—what they have) when logging into an AWS Management Console. These many elements, when combined, provide greater security for AWS account settings and resources.

Ques. 14): Which of the following is an AWS responsibility under the AWS shared responsibility model?

A) Configuring third-party applications
B) Maintaining physical hardware
C) Securing application access and data
D) Managing guest operating systems
Correct Answer - B


Maintaining physical hardware is an AWS responsibility under the AWS shared responsibility model.

Ques. 15): Where can a user find information about prohibited actions on the AWS infrastructure?

A) AWS Trusted Advisor
B) AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)
C) AWS Billing Console
D) AWS Acceptable Use Policy
Correct Answer - D


The AWS Acceptable Use Policy provides information regarding prohibited actions on the AWS infrastructure.

Ques. 16): Which AWS service would simplify the migration of a database to AWS?

A) AWS Storage Gateway
B) AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS)
C) Amazon EC2
D) Amazon AppStream 2.0
Correct Answer - B


AWS DMS enables users to rapidly and securely transfer databases to AWS. During the migration, the source database remains fully operational, minimising downtime for database-dependent applications. Data may be migrated to and from most commercial and open-source databases using AWS DMS.

Ques. 17): Which service would be used to send alerts based on Amazon CloudWatch alarms?

A) Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS)
B) AWS CloudTrail
C) AWS Trusted Advisor
D) Amazon Route 53
Correct Answer – A


Users can gather, view, and analyse metrics for every active SNS using Amazon SNS and Amazon CloudWatch. Users can receive a better understanding of the performance of their Amazon SNS topics, push notifications, and SMS deliveries after configuring CloudWatch for Amazon SNS.

Ques. 18): Why is AWS more economical than traditional data centers for applications with varying compute workloads?

A) Amazon EC2 costs are billed on a monthly basis.
B) Users retain full administrative access to their Amazon EC2 instances.
C) Amazon EC2 instances can be launched on demand when needed.
D) Users can permanently run enough instances to handle peak workloads.
Correct Answer – C


The ability to deploy instances on demand as needed allows users to respond to changing workloads by launching and terminating instances. Rather than purchasing enough on-premises servers to manage the peak load, this is a more cost-effective option.

Ques. 19): According to the AWS shared responsibility model, who is responsible for managing IAM user access and secret keys?

A. IAM access and secret keys are static, so there is no need to rotate them.
B. The customer is responsible for rotating keys.
C. AWS will rotate the keys whenever required.
D. The AWS Support team will rotate keys when requested by the customer.
Correct Answer - B

Ques. 20): Which of the following operational controls do users completely inherit from AWS as part of the AWS shared responsibility model?
A. Security management of data center Most Voted
B. Patch management
C. Configuration management
D. User and access management Most Voted
Correct Answer - A