Showing posts with label camel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label camel. Show all posts

May 11, 2022

Top 20 Apache Pig Interview Questions and Answers


            Pig is an Apache open-source project that runs on Hadoop and provides a parallel data flow engine. It contains the pig Latin language, which is used to express data flow. It includes actions such as sorting, joining, filtering, and scripting UDF (User Defined Functions) for reading, writing, and processing. Pig stores and processes the entire task using Map Reduce and HDFS.

Apache Kafka Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 1): What benefits does Pig have over MapReduce?


The development cycle for MapReduce is extremely long. It takes a long time to write mappers and reducers, compile and package the code, submit tasks, and retrieve the results. Dataset joins are quite complex to perform. Low level and stiff, resulting in a large amount of specialised user code that is difficult to maintain and reuse is difficult.

Pig does not require the compilation or packaging of code. Pig operators will be turned into maps or jobs will be reduced internally. Pig Latin supports all common data-processing procedures, as well as high-level abstraction for processing big data sets.

Apache Struts 2 Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 2): Is Piglatin a Typographically Strong Language? If so, how did you arrive at your conclusion?


In a strongly typed language, the type of all variables must be declared up front. When you explain the schema of the data in Apache Pig, it expects the data to be in the same format.

When the schema is unknown, however, the script will adjust to the actual data types at runtime. PigLatin can thus be described as firmly typed in most circumstances but gently typed in others, i.e. it continues to work with data that does not meet its expectations.

Apache Spark Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 3): What are Pig's disadvantages?


Pig has a number of flaws, including:

Pig isn't the best choice for real-time applications.

When you need to get a single record from a large dataset, Pig isn't very useful.

It works in batches since it uses MapReduce.

Apache Hive Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 4): What is Pig Storage, exactly?


Pig comes with a default load function called Pig Storage. Additionally, we may use pig storage to import data from a file system into the pig.

While loading data into pig storage, we may also provide the data delimiter (how the fields in the record are separated). We can also provide the data's schema as well as the data's type.

Apache Tomcat Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 5): Explain Grunt in Pig and its characteristics.


The Grunt takes on the role of an Interactive Shell Pig. Grunt's main characteristics are:

To move the cursor to the end of a line, press the ctrl-e key combination.

As a Grunt retains command history, the lines in the history buffer can be recalled using the up and down cursor keys.

Grunt supports the auto-completion method by attempting to finish Pig Latin keywords and functions when the Tab key is hit.

Apache Drill Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 6): What Does Pig Flatten Mean?


When there is data in a tuple or a bag, we may use the Flatten modifier in Pig to remove the level of nesting from that data. Un-nests bags and tuples should be flattened. The Flatten operation for tuples will substitute the fields of a tuple for a tuple, however un-nesting bags is a little more complicated because it necessitates the creation of new tuples.

Apache Ambari interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 7): Can you distinguish between logical and physical plans?


Pig goes through a few processes while converting a Pig Latin Script into MapReduce jobs. Pig generates a logical plan after performing basic parsing and semantic testing. Pig's logical plan, which is executed during execution, describes the logical operators. Pig then generates a physical plan. The physical plan specifies the physical operators required to execute the script.

Apache Tapestry Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 8): In Pig, what does a co-group do?


Co-group unites the data collection by grouping only one of the data sets. It then groups the elements by their common field and provides a set of records with two distinct bags. The records of the first data set with the common data set are in the first bag, and the records of the second data set with the same data set are in the second bag.

Apache Ant Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 9): Explain the bag.


Pig includes several data models, including a bag. The bag is an unorganised collection of tuples with possibly duplicates that is used to store collections while they are being grouped. The size of the bag is equal to the size of the local disc, implying that the bag's size is limited. When the bag is full, Pig will empty it onto the local disc and only maintain a portion of it in memory. It is not necessary for the entire bag to fit into memory. With ", we signify bags.

Apache Camel Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 10): Can you describe the similarities and differences between Pig and Hive?


Both Hive and Pig have similar characteristics.

Both internally transform the commands to MapReduce.

High-level abstractions are provided by both technologies.

Low-latency queries are not supported by either.

OLAP and OLTP are not supported by either.

Apache Cassandra Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 11): How do Apache Pig and SQL compare?


The use of Apache Pig for ETL, lazy evaluation, storing data at any stage in the pipeline, support for pipeline splits, and explicit specification of execution plans set it apart from SQL. SQL is built around queries that return only one result. SQL doesn't have a built-in mechanism for separating a data processing stream into sub-streams and applying various operators to each one.

User code can be added at any step in the pipeline with Apache Pig, whereas with SQL, data must first be put into the database before the cleaning and transformation process can begin.

Apache NiFi Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 12): Can Apache Pig Scripts Join Multiple Fields?


Yes, several fields can be joined in PIG scripts since join procedures take records from one input and combine them with records from another. This is accomplished by specifying the keys for each input and joining the two rows when the keys are equal.

Apache Storm Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 13): What is the difference between the commands store and dumps?


After running the dump command, the data appears on the console, but it is not saved. Whereas the output is executed in a folder and the store is stored in the local file system or HDFS. Most hadoop developers utilised the'store' command to store data in HDFS in a protected environment.

Apache Flume Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 14):  Is 'FUNCTIONAL' a User Defined Function (UDF)?


No, the keyword 'FUNCTIONAL' does not represent a User Defined Function (UDF). Some functions must be overridden while using UDF. You must certainly complete your tasks using only these functions. However, because the keyword 'FUNCTIONAL' is a built-in function (a pre-defined function), it cannot be used as a UDF.


Ques. 15): Which method must be overridden when writing evaluate UDF?


When developing UDF in Pig, we must override the method exec(). While the base class may change, when developing filter UDF, we must extend FilterFunc, and when writing evaluate UDF, we must extend EvalFunc. EvaluFunc is parameterized, and the return type must be specified as well.


Ques. 16): What role does MapReduce play in Pig programming?


Pig is a high-level framework that simplifies the execution of various Hadoop data analysis problems. A Pig Latin programme is similar to a SQL query that is executed using an execution engine. The Pig engine can convert programmes into MapReduce jobs, with MapReduce serving as the execution engine.


Ques. 17): What Debugging Tools Are Available For Apache Pig Scripts?


The essential debugging utilities in Apache Pig are describe and explain.

When trying to troubleshoot or optimise PigLatin scripts, Hadoop developers will find the explain function useful. In the grunt interactive shell, explain can be applied to a specific alias in the script or to the entire script. The explain programme generates multiple text-based graphs that can be printed to a file.

When building Pig scripts, the describe debugging utility is useful since it displays the schema of a relation in the script. Beginners learning Apache Pig can use the describe utility to see how each operator alters data. A pig script can have multiple describes.


Ques. 18): What are the relation operations in Pig? Explain any two with examples.


The relational operations in Pig:

foreach, order by, filters, group, distinct, join, limit.foreach: It takes a set of expressions and applies them to all records in the data pipeline to the next operator.A =LOAD ‘input’ as (emp_name :charrarray, emp_id : long, emp_add : chararray, phone : chararray, preferences : map [] );B = foreach A generate emp_name, emp_id;Filters: It contains a predicate and it allows us to select which records will be retained in our data pipeline.

Syntax: alias = FILTER alias BY expression;

Alias indicates the name of the relation, By indicates required keyword and the expression has Boolean.

Example: M = FILTER N BY F5 == 50;


Ques. 19): What are some Apache Pig use cases that come to mind?


The Apache Pig large data tools are used for iterative processing, raw data exploration, and standard ETL data pipelines. Pig is commonly used by researchers who want to use the data before it is cleansed and placed into the data warehouse because it can operate in situations where the schema is unknown, inconsistent, or incomplete.

It can be used by a website to track the response of users to various sorts of adverts, photos, articles, and so on in order to construct behaviour prediction models.


Ques. 20): In Apache Pig, what is the purpose of illustrating?


Illustrate is used to run Pig scripts on large datasets, which might take a long time. That is why developers run pig scripts on sample data, even though it is probable that the sample data selected will not execute the script correctly. If the script includes a join operator, for example, there must be a small number of records in the sample data with the same key, or the join operation will fail. Developers manage these issues by using the function illustrate, which takes data from the sample and ensures that some records pass through while others are restricted by modifying records in such a way that they follow the condition set whenever it encounters operators like the filter or join, which remove data. Illustrate displays each step's output but does not run MapReduce operations.




May 07, 2022

Top 20 AWS GuardDuty Questions and Answers

            Amazon GuardDuty is a threat detection service that monitors your AWS accounts and workloads for malicious behaviour in real time and provides detailed security findings for visibility and mitigation. Threat detection is provided by Amazon GuardDuty, which allows you to monitor and defend your AWS accounts, workloads, and data stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service on a continuous basis (Amazon S3). AWS CloudTrail Events, Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Flow Logs, and domain name system (DNS) Logs are used by GuardDuty to analyse continuous metadata streams created from your account and network activity. GuardDuty also employs integrated threat intelligence to better identify threats, such as known malicious IP addresses, anomaly detection, and machine learning (ML).

AWS(Amazon Web Services) Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 1): Is the predicted cost on the Amazon GuardDuty payer account for all linked accounts, or just for that specific payer account?


Only the cost of the individual payer account is included in the projected cost. The anticipated cost for the administrator account is the only thing you'll see.

AWS Cloud Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 2): What do Amazon GuardDuty and Amazon Macie have in common?


Amazon GuardDuty helps identify risks like attacker reconnaissance, instance compromise, account compromise, and bucket compromise, and protects your AWS accounts, workloads, and data. Amazon Macie classifies what data you have, its security, and the access controls associated with it, allowing you to find and safeguard sensitive data in Amazon S3.

AWS RedShift Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 3): How can I get Amazon GuardDuty to work?


With a few clicks in the AWS Management dashboard, Amazon GuardDuty may be set up and deployed. GuardDuty begins monitoring continuous streams of account and network activity in near real-time and at scale as soon as it is enabled. There is no need to install or administer any extra security software, sensors, or network equipment. Threat intelligence is pre-integrated into the service and is updated and maintained on a regular basis.

AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials Questions and Answers

Ques. 4): How soon does GuardDuty begin to work?


When Amazon GuardDuty is on, it immediately begins scanning for malicious or illegal behaviour. The time it takes for you to start obtaining findings is determined by the level of activity in your account. GuardDuty only looks at activity that begins once it is enabled, not historical data. You'll get a finding in the GuardDuty console if GuardDuty detects any potential risks.

AWS EC2 Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 5): Can I use Amazon GuardDuty to manage several accounts?


Yes, Amazon GuardDuty supports multiple accounts, allowing you to manage numerous AWS accounts from a single administrator account. All security findings are consolidated and sent to the administrator or Amazon GuardDuty administrator account for assessment and remediation when this feature is utilised. When utilising this configuration, Amazon CloudWatch Events are additionally aggregated to the Amazon GuardDuty administrator account.

AWS Lambda Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 6): Do I have to enable AWS CloudTrail, VPC Flow Logs, and DNS logs for Amazon GuardDuty to work?


No. Amazon GuardDuty pulls independent data streams directly from AWS CloudTrail, VPC Flow Logs, and AWS DNS logs. You don’t have to manage Amazon S3 bucket policies or modify the way you collect and store logs. GuardDuty permissions are managed as service-linked roles that you can disable GuardDuty to revoke at any time. This makes it easy to enable the service without complex configuration, and eliminates the risk that an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permission modification or S3 bucket policy change will affect service operation. It also makes GuardDuty extremely efficient at consuming high-volumes of data in near real-time without affecting the performance or availability of your account or workloads.

AWS Cloud Security Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 7): Is Amazon GuardDuty a domestic or international service?


GuardDuty is a regional service provided by Amazon. The Amazon GuardDuty security findings remain in the same areas where the underlying data was generated, even when multiple accounts are enabled and several regions are used. This ensures that the data being evaluated is geographically specific and does not cross AWS regional boundaries. Customers can use Amazon CloudWatch Events to aggregate security discoveries produced by Amazon GuardDuty across regions, pushing results to a data repository under their control, such as Amazon S3, and then aggregating findings as needed.

AWS Simple Storage Service (S3) Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 8): Is Amazon GuardDuty capable of automating preventative actions?


You can build up automated preventative measures based on a security finding with Amazon GuardDuty, Amazon CloudWatch Events, and AWS Lambda. For example, based on security discoveries, you can develop a Lambda function to adjust your AWS security group rules. If a GuardDuty report indicates that one of your Amazon EC2 instances is being probed by a known malicious IP, you may use a CloudWatch Events rule to automatically adjust your security group rules and limit access on that port.

AWS Fargate Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 9): I'm a new Amazon GuardDuty user. Are my accounts protected by GuardDuty for S3 by default?


Yes. GuardDuty for S3 protection will be enabled by default for all new accounts that enable GuardDuty via the console or API. Unless "auto-enable for S3" is enabled, new GuardDuty accounts established using the AWS Organizations "auto-enable" functionality will not have GuardDuty for S3 protection set on by default.

AWS SageMaker Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 10): What is Amazon GuardDuty for EKS Protection and how does it work?


Amazon GuardDuty for EKS Protection is a GuardDuty functionality that analyses Kubernetes audit logs to monitor Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) cluster control plane behaviour. GuardDuty is connected with Amazon EKS, allowing it direct access to Kubernetes audit logs without the need to enable or store them. These audit logs are chronological records that capture the sequence of actions performed on the Amazon EKS control plane and are security-relevant. GuardDuty can use these Kubernetes audit logs to conduct continuous monitoring of Amazon EKS API activity and apply proven threat intelligence and anomaly detection to discover malicious behaviour or configuration changes that could expose your Amazon EKS cluster to unauthorised access.

AWS DynamoDB Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 11): Is GuardDuty for EKS Protection available for a free trial?


There is a 30-day free trial available. Each new Amazon GuardDuty account in each region gets a free 30-day trial of GuardDuty, which includes GuardDuty for EKS Protection. Existing GuardDuty accounts are eligible for a free 30-day trial of GuardDuty for EKS Protection. The post-trial expenditures estimate can be seen on the GuardDuty console use page during the trial period. You will be able to see the expected fees for your member accounts if you are a GuardDuty administrator. The AWS Billing dashboard will show you the true expenses of this functionality after 30 days.

AWS Cloudwatch interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 12): What are Amazon GuardDuty's main advantages?


Amazon GuardDuty makes it simple to keep track of your AWS accounts, workloads, and Amazon S3 data in real time. GuardDuty is fully independent of your resources, so your workloads will not be impacted in terms of performance or availability. Threat intelligence, anomaly detection, and machine learning are all integrated into the service. Amazon GuardDuty generates actionable warnings that are simple to connect with current event management and workflow systems. There are no upfront expenses, and you only pay for the events that are examined; there is no need to install additional software or pay for threat intelligence stream subscriptions.

AWS Elastic Block Store (EBS) Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 13): Is there a free trial available?


Yes, any new Amazon GuardDuty account can try the service for free for 30 days. During the free trial, you get access to the full feature set and detections. The amount of data handled and the expected daily average service charges for your account will be displayed by GuardDuty. This allows you to try Amazon GuardDuty for free and estimate service costs beyond the free trial period.

AWS Amplify Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 14): Does Amazon GuardDuty assist with some of the PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) requirements?


GuardDuty examines events from a variety of AWS data sources, including AWS CloudTrail, Amazon VPC Flow Logs, and DNS logs. Threat intelligence feeds from AWS and other providers, such as CrowdStrike, are also used to detect unusual activities. Foregenix produced a white paper evaluating Amazon GuardDuty's effectiveness in meeting compliance standards, such as PCI DSS requirement 11.4, which mandates intrusion detection solutions at crucial network points.

AWS Django Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 15): What types of data does Amazon GuardDuty look at?


AWS CloudTrail, VPC Flow Logs, and AWS DNS logs are analysed by Amazon GuardDuty. The service is designed to consume massive amounts of data in order to process security alerts in near real time. GuardDuty gives you access to built-in cloud detection algorithms that are maintained and continuously upgraded by AWS Security.

AWS Glue Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 16): Is Amazon GuardDuty in charge of my logs?


No, your logs are not managed or stored by Amazon GuardDuty. GuardDuty analyses and discards any data it consumes in near real time. GuardDuty is able to be highly efficient, cost-effective, and lower the danger of data remanence as a result of this. You should use AWS logging and monitoring services directly for log delivery and retention, as they provide full-featured delivery and retention options.

AWS VPC Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 17): What is Amazon GuardDuty threat intelligence?


Amazon GuardDuty threat intelligence consists of known attacker IP addresses and domain names. GuardDuty threat intelligence is provided by AWS Security as well as third-party providers like Proofpoint and CrowdStrike. These threat intelligence streams are pre-integrated and updated on a regular basis in GuardDuty at no additional charge.

AWS Aurora Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 18): Is there any impact on my account's performance or availability if I enable Amazon GuardDuty?


No, Amazon GuardDuty is fully separate from your AWS resources, and there is no chance of your accounts or workloads being affected. GuardDuty can now work across several accounts in an organisation without disrupting existing processes.

AWS DevOps Cloud Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 19): What is Amazon GuardDuty capable of detecting?


Built-in detection techniques created and optimised for the cloud are available with Amazon GuardDuty. AWS Security is in charge of maintaining and improving the detection algorithms. The following are the key detection categories:

Peculiar API activity, intra-VPC port scanning, unusual patterns of failed login requests, or unblocked port probing from a known rogue IP are all examples of reconnaissance by an attacker.

Cryptocurrency mining, malware using domain generation algorithms (DGAs), outbound denial of service activity, unusually high network traffic, unusual network protocols, outbound instance communication with a known malicious IP, temporary Amazon EC2 credentials used by an external IP address, and data exfiltration using DNS are all signs of an instance compromise.

AWS CloudFormation Interview Questions ans Answers

Ques. 20): How do security discoveries get communicated?


When a threat is detected, Amazon GuardDuty notifies the GuardDuty console and Amazon CloudWatch Events with a thorough security finding. As a result, alerts are actionable and simple to integrate into existing event management or workflow systems. The category, resource affected, and metadata linked with the resource, such as a severity rating, are all included in the findings.

AWS GuardDuty Questions and Answers

May 06, 2022

Top 20 AWS CloudFormation Interview Questions and Answers


                        AWS CloudFormation is a configuration orchestration tool that lets you define your infrastructure in order to automate deployments. CloudFormation uses a declarative approach to configuration, which means you tell it how you want your environment to look and it follows your instructions.

AWS(Amazon Web Services) Interview Questions and Answers

AWS CloudFormation is a service that assists you in modelling and setting up your Amazon Web Services resources so you can spend less time managing them and more time working on your AWS-based applications. You construct a template that outlines all of the AWS resources you want (such as Amazon EC2 instances or Amazon RDS DB instances), and AWS CloudFormation handles provisioning and configuration for you.

In addition to JSON, YAML may be used to generate CloudFormation templates. You may also use AWS CloudFormation Designer to graphically construct your templates and see how your resources are interconnected. 

AWS Cloud Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 1): Explain the working model of CloudFormation.


First, we must code our infrastructure in a template, which is a YAML or JSON text-based file.

Then we use the AWS CloudFormation tool to write our code locally. Otherwise, we can use the S3 bucket to store a YAML or JSON file.

Create a stack based on our template code using the AWS CF GUI or the Command Line Interface.

Finally, CloudFormation deploys resources, provisioned them, and configured the template we specified.

AWS RedShift Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 2): Are there any restrictions on how many resources may be produced in a stack?


See Resources in AWS CloudFormation quotas for more information on the number of resources you can define in a template. Smaller templates and stacks, as well as modularizing your application across multiple stacks, are best practises for reducing the blast radius of resource changes and troubleshooting issues with multiple resource dependencies faster, as smaller groups of resources have less complex dependencies than larger groups.

AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials Questions and Answers

Ques. 3): Describe the features of AWS CloudFormation.


By treating infrastructure as code, AWS CloudFormation makes it simple to model a collection of connected AWS and third-party resources, provision them rapidly and consistently, and manage them throughout their lifecycles.

  • Extensibility - Using the AWS CloudFormation CLI, an open-source tool that speeds the development process and includes local testing and code generation capabilities, you can create your own resource providers.
  • Management of multiple accounts and regions - CloudFormation With a single CloudFormation template, you can provision a common set of AWS resources across many accounts and regions. StackSets takes care of provisioning, updating, and deleting stacks automatically and safely, no matter where they are.
  • Authoring with JSON/YAML - CloudFormation allows you to model your whole cloud environment in text files using JSON/YAML. To define what AWS resources you wish to build and configure, you can use open-source declarative languages like JSON or YAML.
  • Safety controls - CloudFormation automates and manages the provisioning and updating of your infrastructure. There are no manual controls or steps that could lead to mistakes.
  • Dependency management - During stack management activities, AWS CloudFormation automatically maintains dependencies between your resources.

AWS EC2 Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 4): What may AWS CloudFormation be used for by developers?


Developers may use a simple, declarative language to deploy and update compute, database, and many other resources, abstracting away the complexities of specific resource APIs. AWS CloudFormation is designed to manage resource lifecycles in a consistent, predictable, and secure manner, including automatic rollbacks, state management, and resource management across accounts and regions. Multiple ways to generate resources have been added recently, including using the AWS CDK for higher-level languages, importing existing resources, detecting configuration drift, and a new Registry that makes it easy to construct unique types that inherit many basic CloudFormation features.

AWS Lambda Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 5): Is Amazon EC2 tagging supported by AWS CloudFormation?


Yes. AWS templates can be labelled with Amazon EC2 resources that support the tagging capability. Template parameters, other resource names, resource attribute values (e.g. addresses), or values derived by simple functions can all be used as tag values (e.g., a concatenated a list of strings). CloudFormation automatically assigns the name of the CloudFormation stack to Amazon EBS volumes and Amazon EC2 instances.

AWS Cloud Security Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 6): In AWS CloudFormation, what is a circular dependency? What can be done about it?


An interleaved reliance exists between two resources.

Resource X relies on Resource Y, and Resource Y relies on Resource X.

Because AWS CloudFormation is unable to clearly establish which resource should be produced first in this circumstance, you will receive a circular dependency error.

Interactions between services that make them mutually dependent can produce the AWS CloudFormation circular dependence.

Because AWS CloudFormation is unable to properly decide which resource should be produced first when two are reliant on one another, we will receive a circular dependency error.

The first step is to look over the resources listed and ensure that AWS CloudFormation can figure out what resource order to use.

Add a DependsOn attribute to resources that depend on other resources in your template to fix a dependency error.

We can use DependsOn to express that a particular resource must be produced before another.

AWS Simple Storage Service (S3) Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 7): What is the difference between a resource and a module?


A Resource Type is a code package that contains provisioning logic and allows you to manage the lifecycle of a resource, such as an Amazon EC2 Instance or an Amazon DynamoDB Table, from creation to deletion while abstracting away difficult API interactions. Resource Types include a schema that defines a resource's shape and properties, as well as the logic required to supply, update, delete, and describe it. A Datadog monitor, MongoDB Atlas Project, or Atlassian Opsgenie User are examples of third-party Resource Types in the CloudFormation Public Registry.

Modules are reusable building elements that can be used in numerous CloudFormation templates and are treated similarly to native CloudFormation resources. These building blocks can be used to create common patterns of application design for a single resource, such as best practises for defining an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance, or several resources.

AWS Fargate Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 8): Is there a list of sample templates I can use to get a feel for AWS CloudFormation?


Yes, CloudFormation includes sample templates that you may use to try out the service and learn more about its features. Our sample templates show how to connect and use numerous AWS resources simultaneously while adhering to best practises for multiple Availability Zone redundancy, scaling out, and alarming. To get started, simply go to the AWS Management Console, click Create Stack, and follow the instructions to choose and run one of our samples. Select your stack in the console after it has been generated and look at the Template and Parameter tabs to see the details of the template file that was used to create the stack. On GitHub, there are also some sample templates.

AWS SageMaker Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 9): What distinguishes AWS CloudFormation from AWS Elastic Beanstalk?


AWS CloudFormation allows you to provision and describe all of your cloud environment's infrastructure resources. AWS Elastic Beanstalk, on the other hand, provides an environment that makes it simple to deploy and run cloud applications.

AWS CloudFormation caters to the infrastructure requirements of a wide range of applications, including legacy and existing business applications. AWS Elastic Beanstalk, on the other hand, is used in conjunction with developer tools to assist you manage the lifespan of your applications.

AWS DynamoDB Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 10): What happens if one of the resources in a stack is unable to be created?


The automatic rollback on error option is enabled by default. If all individual operations succeed, CloudFormation will only construct or update all resources in your stack. If they don't, CloudFormation resets the stack to its last known stable state.

For example, if you mistakenly exceeded your Elastic IP address limit, or if you don't have access to an EC2 AMI you're trying to execute. This functionality allows you to rely on the fact that stacks are constructed completely or partially, making system administration and layered solutions built on top of CloudFormation easier.

AWS Cloudwatch interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 11): What makes AWS different from third-party resource providers?

The origin of AWS and third-party resource providers is the key distinction. Amazon and AWS create and maintain AWS resource providers to manage AWS resources and services. Three AWS resource providers, for example, assist you in managing Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Lambda, and Amazon EC2 resources. AWS::DynamoDB::Table, AWS::Lambda::Function, and AWS::EC2::Instance are among the resource types available through these providers. Visit our documentation for a complete list of references.

Another corporation, organisation, or developer community creates third-party resource providers. They can assist you in managing AWS and non-AWS resources, such as AWS application resources and non-AWS SaaS software services like monitoring, team productivity, issue management, or version control management tools.

AWS Elastic Block Store (EBS) Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 12): How does AWS Cloud Pipeline interact with CloudFormation?


You can use AWS CodePipeline to trigger a Cloud Formation template to run in the deployment phase.

The pipeline has following stages:

Source phase: Fetch the latest commit.

Build phase: Build the code into a docker image and push it to ECR.

Deploy phase: Take the latest docker image from ECR, deploy it to ECS

AWS Amplify Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 13): On top of CloudFormation, what does AWS Serverless Application Model offer?


The AWS Serverless Application Model is an open-source architecture for creating serverless apps on Amazon Web Services.

AWS SAM includes a template for defining serverless applications.

AWS CloudFormation allows you to design a template that describes your application's resources and manages the stack as a whole.

You construct a template that outlines all of the AWS resources you need, and AWS CloudFormation handles the rest of the provisioning and configuration.

AWS SAM is a template language extension for AWS CloudFormation that allows you to design serverless AWS Lambda apps at a higher level.

It aids CloudFormation in the setup and deployment of serverless applications.

It automates common tasks such as function role creation, and makes it easier to write CloudFormation templates for your serverless applications.

AWS Secrets Manager Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 14): What is the Public Registry for AWS CloudFormation?

Answer: The CloudFormation Public Registry is a new searchable and maintained catalogue of extensions that includes resource types (provisioning logic) and modules provided by APN Partners and the developer community. Anyone can now publish resource types and Modules on the CloudFormation Public Registry. Customers may quickly find and use these public resource types and modules, which eliminates the need for them to construct and maintain them themselves.

AWS Django Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 15): What is the relationship between the CloudFormation Public Registry and the CloudFormation Registry?


When the CloudFormation Registry first launched in November 2019, it had a private listing that allowed customers to customise CloudFormation for their own use. The Public Registry adds a public, searchable, single destination for sharing, finding, consuming, and managing Resource Types and Modules to the CloudFormation Registry, making it even easier to create and manage infrastructure and applications for both AWS and third-party products.

AWS Glue Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 16): Is it possible to handle individual AWS resources within an AWS CloudFormation stack?


Yes, you certainly can. CloudFormation does not get in the way; you keep complete control over all aspects of your infrastructure and can continue to manage your AWS resources with all of your existing AWS and third-party tools. We advocate using CloudFormation to manage the modifications to your resources because it can allow for extra rules, best practises, and compliance controls. This method of managing hundreds or thousands of resources across your application portfolio is predictable and regulated.

AWS Aurora Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 17): What is the Cost of AWS CloudFormation?


Using AWS CloudFormation with resource providers in the AWS::*, Alexa::*, and Custom::* namespaces incurs no additional cost. In this case, you pay the same as if you had manually established AWS resources (such as Amazon EC2 instances, Elastic Load Balancing load balancers, and so on). There are no minimum payments or needed upfront commitments; you only pay for what you use, when you use it.

You will be charged each handler operation if you use resource providers with AWS CloudFormation outside of the namespaces listed above. Create, update, delete, read, or list activities on a resource are handled by handler operations.

AWS DevOps Cloud Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 18): In a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), can I create stacks?


Yes. VPCs, subnets, gateways, route tables, and network ACLs may all be created with CloudFormation, as well as resources like elastic IPs, Amazon EC2 instances, EC2 security groups, auto scaling groups, elastic load balancers, Amazon RDS database instances, and Amazon RDS security groups.

AWS Solution Architect Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 19): Is there a limit on how many templates or layers you can have?


See Stacks in AWS CloudFormation quotas for more information on the maximum number of AWS CloudFormation stacks you can construct. Fill out this form to request a higher limit, and we'll get back to you within two business days.

AWS Database Interview Questions and Answers

Ques. 20): Do I have access to the Amazon EC2 instance or the user-data fields in the Auto Scaling Launch Configuration?


Yes. Simple functions can be used to concatenate string literals and AWS resource attribute values and feed them to user-data fields in your template. Please see our sample templates for more information on these simple functions.

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