April 30, 2022

Top 20 Bootstrap Interview Questions and Answers


Bootstrap is a comprehensive toolkit for generating and developing web pages and applications that contains HTML, CSS, and JavaScript tools. It is a free and open-source project available on GitHub that was created by (and for) Twitter.
Bootstrap gained a lot of traction after it was made open-source in 2011, and for good reason. Because of its versatility and ease of use, Bootstrap is popular among web designers and developers. Its main benefits are that it is responsive by design, that it works with a wide range of browsers, that it uses reusable components to offer a consistent design, and that it is simple to use and comprehend. It comes with built-in support for jQuery plugins and a programmatic JavaScript API for rich extensibility via JavaScript. Any IDE or editor, as well as any server-side technology and language, can be utilized with Bootstrap.

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Ques. 1): What is Bootstrap?

Bootstrap is a platform for web development based on a front-end framework. It is used to create exceptional responsive designs using HTML, and CSS. These templates are used for forms, tables, buttons, typography, models, tables, navigation, carousels and images. Bootstrap also has Javascript plugins, which are optional. Bootstrap is mostly preferred for developing mobile web applications.

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Ques. 2): What is Bootstrap and how does it work?


Bootstrap is the most popular open source toolkit for creating mobile responsive, dynamic websites and online applications. It includes HTML, CSS, and JS-dependent templates.


  • Bootstrap increase development speed
  • Bootstrap is outfitted with a 12-column grid system and a responsive layout for
  • Bootstrap ensures consistency
  • It's future compatibility.
  • Bootstrap provides rich customization features for designing tailor-made websites.
  • Bootstrap provides various advantages of using pre-styled components.
  • Bootstrap containing a simple integration approach to integrate into specialized platforms and frameworks.
  • Bootstrap contains a big list of components needed to develop mobile responsive websites like the navigation bar, drop-down, alerts, badges, labels.
  • It reduces extra efforts of large coding

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Ques. 3): What is included in the Bootstrap package?


Scaffolding: Bootstrap comes with a basic structure that includes a Grid System, link styles, and a background. The section Bootstrap Basic Structure goes over this in depth.

CSS: Bootstrap includes global CSS settings, basic HTML components stylized and improved with extendable classes, and a sophisticated grid system. The section Bootstrap with CSS goes over this in depth.

Over a dozen reusable components are included in Bootstrap, including iconography, dropdowns, navigation, notifications, popovers, and more. The section Layout Components goes through this in depth.

Plugins for JavaScript: Bootstrap includes over a dozen bespoke jQuery plugins. You may easily incorporate all of them or just one at a time. The section Bootstrap Plugins goes over this in depth.

Customize: You can customize Bootstrap's components, fewer variables, and jQuery plugins to get your very own version.

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Ques. 4): What are collapsing elements in Bootstrap?


You may collapse any element with Bootstrap collapsing elements without creating any JavaScript code or accordion markup. To use collapsible elements in bootstrap, add data-toggle= "collapse" to the controller element along with a data-target or href to delegate control of a collapsible element automatically. You can also do the same thing with.collapse (options),.collapse ('display'), or.collapse ('hide').

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Ques. 5): What are the advantages of Bootstrap?


The following are some advantages of Bootstrap:

  • Bootstrap is simple to use and anyone with a basic understanding of HTML and CSS can get started.
  • Features that adapt to phones, tablets, and desktops: Bootstrap's responsive CSS adapts to phones, tablets, and desktops.
  • A mobile-first strategy: Mobile-first styles are built into the Bootstrap framework.
  • Bootstrap 4 is compatible with all modern browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer 10+, Edge, Safari, and Opera.

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Ques. 6): How well-versed are you in the Bootstrap Grid System?


The Bootstrap Grid System is a responsive, mobile-first grid that scales up to 12 columns as the device or viewport size increases. The system includes predefined classes for simple layout options and powerful mix-ins for developing successful semantic layouts.

In the Bootstrap 4 grid system, there are five classes:

  • .col- for extra small devices, whose screen width is less than 576px.
  • .col-sm- small devices, whose screen width is equal to or greater than 576px.
  • .col-md- medium devices, whose screen width is equal to or greater than 768px.
  • .col-lg- large devices, whose screen width is equal to or greater than 992px.
  • .col-xl- extra large devices, whose screen width is equal to or greater than 1200px.
  • The classes listed above can be combined to build layouts that are more dynamic and adaptable.

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Ques. 7): Explain why to choose Bootstrap for building the websites?


There are few reason why we choose Bootstrap for building websites

Mobile Support: For mobile devices it provides full support in one single file rather than in separate file. It supports the responsive design including adjusting the CSS based on the different types of device, size of the screen etc. It reduces extra effort for developers.

Easy to learn: Writing application in bootstrap is easy if you know CSS and HTML

Browser Support: It supports all the popular browsers like Firefox, Opera, Safari, IE etc.

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Ques. 8): In Bootstrap, what are Glyphicons?


There could be more than 200 glyphicons in the glyphicons set. It serves as an icon font for our web design projects, and it may be used in buttons, navigation, forms, and buttons, among other things. Only Bootstrap projects can use Glyphicons Halflings for free; otherwise, a licence is required.

Print glyphicon and Envelope glyphicon are two examples of Glyphicon.

The syntax can be used for this Glyphicon is:

<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-name"> </span>

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Ques. 9): Explain what pagination in bootstrap is and how they are classified?


Pagination is the handling of an unordered list by bootstrap. To handle pagination bootstrap provides following classes

  • .pagination: To get pagination on your page you have to add this class
  • .disabled, .active: Customize links by .disabled for unclickable links and .active to indicate the current page
  • .pagination-Ig, .pagination-sm: Use these classes to get different size item

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Ques. 10): What is the Scrollspy Bootstrap plugin?


Scrollspy is a plugin that allows you to build auto-updating navigation plugin parameters. It allows you to use a scroll position to target certain areas of a web page. The.active class, which can be added to the navbar based scroll position, can be used to accomplish this.

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Ques. 11): What are the features of Bootstrap v4?


  • The initial release of bootstrap v4.x was 4.0 and the final release in 2018-2019 is 4.2 ;
  • The toast component is added for showing notifications
  • The spinner component is added for loading
  • The utility class .text-decoration-none is added
  • The bootstrap-grid.css file updates the margin and padding of the grid system
  • The .modal-xl class is used for modals
  • The .font-weight-lighter and .font-weight-bolder are added as utility classes
  • The validation styles for file inputs is added with new features
  • The print feature of dark tables is updated with new quality
  • The new utility class .dropdown-item-text is added for dropdown items
  • The Tooltips supports Shadow DOM
  • The double transitions issue on carousels is improved now.

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Ques. 12): How many types of classes are used in Bootstrap3 to create a responsive page layout?


There are 4 types of bootstrap grid classes. we can create grid column layouts extra small devices like mobile phones to large devices like large desktop screens.

  • .col-xs-* : This class is used for extra small device like smart phone (Size<768px)
  • .col-sm-*: This class is used for small device like tablets (size>=768px)
  • .col-md-*: This class is used for medium device like laptops and small size desktop CRT screen (size >=992px)
  • .col-lg-* : This class is used for large device like flat screen or large size desktop (size>=1200px)

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Ques. 13): What is the grid size in Bootstrap 4?


Bootstrap 4 supports 5 tier grid system. The below lists for different screen sizes of device,

1. Extra small <576px :

  • Width container will be auto.
  • Here class prefix is .col-.
  • A number of columns will be 12.
  • It can be nestable.
  • It supports column ordering.

2. Small =576px :

  • Width container will be 540px.
  • Here class prefix is .col-sm-.
  • A number of columns will be 12.
  • It can be nestable.
  • It supports column ordering.

3. Medium =768px :

  • Width container will be 720px.
  • Here class prefix is .col-md-.
  • A number of columns will be 12.
  • It can be nestable.
  • It supports column ordering.

4. Large =992px:

  • Width container will be 960px.
  • Here class prefix is .col-lg-.
  • A number of columns will be 12.
  • It can be nestable.
  • It supports column ordering.

5. Extra large =1200px :

  • Width container will be 1140px.
  • Here class prefix is .col-xl-.
  • A number of columns will be 12.
  • It can be nestable.
  • It supports column ordering.

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Ques. 14): What is the definition of Kickstrap?


Kickstrap is a product that combines AngularJS with Bootstrap, as well as the JavaScript Package Manager (JSPM). Without the native backend, you may take advantage of the benefits of running an authorised database-driven web application. Kickstrap adheres to the Backend as a Service (BaaS) model by using Firebase.

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Ques. 15): What is the purpose of the Bootstrap breadcrumb?


The bootstrap breadcrumb is the greatest way to explain hierarchy-based information on a website. It has a breadcrumb class and is an unordered list. For a Bootstrap breadcrumb, the separator is automatically added up in CSS. Breadcrumbs can be used to display categories, tags, or publishing dates on a blog site. It also displays the current page's hierarchical position.

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Ques. 16): What are the similarities and differences between Sass and Bootstrap?


SASS is a language for writing stylesheets and CSS pre-processors. It should be compiled into CSS so that the Web browser can understand it. The files have the. scss extension and are written in SASS. The SASS language is used to write the whole Bootstrap 4 CSS source code.

A SASS compiler, such as A.K.A., is used to compile the Bootstrap 4 CSS files.

A pre-processor is a device that converts data into a more usable The best approach to tweak Bootstrap is through SASS.


Ques. 17): In Bootstrap 4, what are cards?


Bootstrap 4 replaces panels, wells, and thumbnails with cards. To construct a container, Bootstrap 4 uses the.card and.card-body classes on an element. It uses and adds.card-title to heading elements. text-elements to card-text

Let’ see code,

<div class="container-fluid">

 <div class="card card-body">

 <h4 class="card-title">Name</h4>

 <p class="card-text">My name is Satyaprakash</p>

 <a href="#" class="btn btn-primary">More Detilas>></a>




Ques. 18): In Bootstrap, what is the purpose of the affix plugin?


Affix is a plugin that attaches a tag to a specific spot on a webpage. It is also possible to turn on and off pinning for the attached tag. Social icons are a prominent example of affix plugins in bootstrap. The scrolling that is fastened begins at one point on a webpage and ends at a place when the scrolling stops for the rest of the page.


Ques. 19): What are bootstrap modal plugins and how can I use them?


Modal plugins can be used to create a small pop-up window, or child windows can be used to replace the parent window. This dialogue box's main purpose is to deliver user reminders and warnings concerning session timeouts, as well as to receive final configurations to delete or save any data. Bootstrap.js or bootstrap.min.js are necessary for bootstrap modal plugins to function properly.

Modal plugins for Bootstrap can be used to create flexible and intelligent dialogue boxes. Any modal can be closed automatically using the backdrop.

Nested modal is not acceptable in Bootstrap, and only one window can be used at one time in Bootstrap.


Ques. 20): What are the different sorts of lists that Bootstrap supports?


Bootstrap supports three different forms of lists:

Definition Lists - It contains both and elements. Definition term is a term or phrase that is used to define something. The element's definition is defined by the element.

Ordered Lists — To create a sequential order, this list employs a number as a prefix.

Unordered Lists - This type of list is formatted with bullets and does not follow any particular order. The bullet-style can be eliminated from the unordered list by using the.list-unstyled class. To list all of the items in a single line, use the.list-inline class.



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